Thursday, August 20, 2009

A note upon being calling in sick

This morning I woke up and felt horrible, so I called in sick. First, let me say that I left my restaurant job early last night becuase I felt poorly, I went home and stayed up a little, set my alarm early (so I could call in sick by the appropriate time). When I woke up, I believe I tricked myself into thinking I was still sick, so I called and went back to bed. Waking, three and a half hours later, I discovered that i was perfectly fine and could in fact, go to work. Alas, my double was no longer mine and a day of freedom laid ahead of me. What was I to do? well, I cleaned my room. To begin with, it was already clean, I just organized my drawers, got rid of some papers and got rid of some socks and scarves. It was my idea of an afternoon well spent. I got rid of some 25 paris of socks from my overflowing sock drawer and four scarves and three paris of target-cotton gloves. I now have in my posession, two small drawers and a spot on my top closet shelf, empy. Their uses are virtually limitless! I have a rather small room for a girl of my age and my love of clothes and books, so naturally, each drawer is carefully considered as to what might fit well in it. As I contemplated what might fit in these drawers, I rather happily realized that I am no pack rat and posess nothing that would fit well in these, for nothing in my room has no place. So, I lay my head down tonight, knowing that tomorrow I may find some small objects to fill these drawers or, as is more likely than not, leave them empty with the promise that they will soon come to my aid and rescue me from a dire mission of finding a drawer for some missmatched card, book, nail polish, sock or planner.

I must confess that I spent the bulk of the day thinking about what to put in those drawers. I will sleep well knowing that the fruit of my day has been but to produce two heavenly, empty drawers that harold the possibility of change and addition.

Until the next sick day,
good night